Thursday, March 28, 2013

Like The Best Day Ever

I wanted to start a series( is that what you call it?) where I review and write about my experience on a show/concert/gig that I went to. It might sound lame now but it soudned totally, awesome when I came up with it. I mean I already do it in my personal journals why not for the interwebzz. Plus, no one reads this crap but a delighted 16 yr old, which is me!! So fuck it!!
Granted any of the ones I will be writing about are weeks old. SO bare with me!!

The story so far

   I'm going to start writing again.. I've actually haven't done much to abandon my blog, I always say, oh I have to write about this but never really, do. Considering this is the one place where I can say what I want, when I ,how I feel, what I did without being deemed as a textbook drama queen and(or) narcissist. Well let's catch up blog! My life has some purpose now yay no more empty thoughts taking up this massive vacant space up in my brain. Now that I have started school it's been going steady for three weeks so far. I know it doesn't sound like much but i've made 5 credits already, that's good enough progress. Well for me, that is.I always stand in between my work and make it so much more complicated than it is, im just a complicated teenage girl with too many feelz and tries to justify everything by blaming an event in time that has nothing to do with what the issue was. Well before I ramble, I must tell you!!! I finally moved out well not officially but It was an understated fashion that I left. Now that I look back, I'm better for it. *patsownback* There's no point in staying when your only at a dead end waiting for another sign to come and pop up. I started going to shows well once a month but its good enough, right?? I started zumba but stopped because well life got in the way, thats why.

IM trying.... TO try!