Thursday, February 28, 2013

~ Current Obsessions~

Really, digging Joyce Manor. I mean of course I do, my freakin blog is named after one of they're songs. The angst-ridden, short and simple songs really speak to me. LOOOVE IT!

Move over PUG I've been totally, lusting over some of the hottest dress from Mode Merr. At least, here it doesn't cost an arm and leg for a beautifully constructed dress thats also, universally flattering on all types of bodies..

ill update this till i piece everything else out

Goodbye, So long and farewell

Another month and another one bites the dust......

      Damn! February it was so hard not to ignore you when stores were already selling your stupid heart-shaped everything. Literally every store was selling terrible shit with hearts on it. Anyways I didn't really do anything, didn't lose weight, not one unsightly inch off my waist came off, not an ounce of wit was gained. I sunk my head on so many mattresses than books. I just slept this month away except, for the ska festival. That was pretty fun although, my ego did get the best of me like always, anyways. GOOD RIDDANCE. March seems pretty tight.. I have orientation yes, you saw right orien-FREAKIN-tation. A month later, but better late than never, I suppose. There's no point in upsetting myself than,anymore that I have. I wish mental breakdowns and cry downs would disappear into thin air and never re-appear into my life again. I've wasted my life away. Its okay, I have a lot of false hope that can be passed off as confidence. I hope. Errghhh I really wish I did do something memorable I like the ring of February 28th it sounds aesthetically pleasing but I didn't. So March I hope ,I can muster, scrape, and release any strength that I retain into the next following months. I have to graduate, become something, be someone even if I have no friends, no hope and no future as of, now.


The Dirty Heads – Driftin'

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I know its not over......yet

I SCREAMED as I saw in bold writing via facebook

MORRISSEY TO PLAY   3/2 @ Hollywood High!!

 If I could encapsulate the moments excitement I would,.... use that excitement towards not-so exciting things. Like school cuz then I wouldn't be in this twisted web of fate, now would I? Point is one of the media's most sought out target for controversy, not since freakin Elvis has a man been so loved by adoring fans worldwide not to mention both genders would kill to sleep with him. Gay or straight
lol.... but point  is the man who I credit for saying every single little thought and spinning them into beautiful gold. That I would have never thought so prior, to his thinking . He forever changed the way of my thinking and my upbringing. I grew up with a family obsessed with this pompadour trotting British/Irish hybrid of a man. HE IZ SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DREEEEAAAMMMMMMMMMY! Is it the the perfectly coiffed hair?......or his pain-ridden voice??!!or  his eccentric daffodil throwing ass????? or is those amazing almost.. godly bone structure?????  I don't know it's all or the fact that he refused to be on JKL just because an interview with a Duck Dynasty star was to be held the same night. He's a badass is in his own mind and in everyone elses, too.Who does that?????! I'll tell you who EFFING MORRISSEY!! I mean people go to his shows and come back high off of a euphoria, almost like a holy experience. It's an experience that sadly, I have yet to go through. I couldn't think of anything more iconic than seeing the king himself in my town of crazy. So you can imagine the blows of devastation that I'm going through. My uncle offered to pay for everyTHANNNG. AND my timing was off I was asleep when they we're having a presale on ticketmaster. I was gone,passed out, snoozing off etc.... My uncle idk he tried to purchase the tickets but was beat out by a bunch of vultures. These shows sell out in a matter of seconds not... minutes. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!?!?! So back to the drawing board I've decided if I cant see him at least--- I could hear him outside of the school. *fingerscrossed* They sell or giveaway tickets because god only knows how much I need this more than some of those  people who I know who are attending and only know two freaking songs. This charming man and the grandaddy of em' all "There is a Light That Never Goes Out".... *smacksmyfaceacrossthekeyboard* those arent fans. those are posers trying to seem cool and ride off the moz train. Well I will try my damnest to get in there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piercing blue eyes My girlhood trembles lol.... yiss

 c'mon with a face like that? ahhhhh who can resist I know I can't!

Dear Mr. Morrissey,

I am a fan of all your work, everything is brilliant and never dull. 
You were the only light I saw in a tunnel with never-ending whirls and winds.
I think you're not from here, you're of a different breed, a different kind that doesn't care too much for people or much. I love how unapologetic and ruthless you come off.
Your mystique will forever intrigue me but I'm fine with knowing the very little information
Your persona is larger than life itself 
Not even the simplicity of my words can define you.
I just wanted to say  
Thank You.
For giving a voice for those who have yet, to find they're own.
- Just another misfit from Los Angeles  

Girl Afraid/ Great Expectations

I haven't been very good at updating my blog. It's not that I'm busy or anything please, I'm far from it. I mean all-- I've really done is watch weird movies on the Sundance Channel and catch up on my recordings. My friendship with the dvr has grown fonder each and everyday. It's gone to the point where I had to get outta there and change my environment. I don't know if it was due to all the pillows that I've ruined by throwing at the TV or my late night gab fests with myself. Well whatever it was, I just needed to take a break and learn how to write to myself, without the inconveniences of having to announce it to the world, "why my my life sucks stories". Some things are better left unsaid or unheard of anyways, I just recently found my old Nikon. I gave up on it a number of years before I started high school, I dropped it about what seems a hundred and ten-times. I always resented my mother for getting me a Nikon when I asked for a Canon. Now its just seems so trivial of me to get mad over the wrong brand because its actually not that bad. I just re-wired a few of the setting and shutter options and it's, pretty alright.  so heres a look see at a few of the many selfies I took countless of tymez.

I remember being 14 and completely clueless on how life works and where I was going. I was expecting a summer filled with fireworks, late-night drive seshs, sleeping over at peoples houses, romances, new experiences, and fun lazy days to top off hot nights but like everything else, I've romanticized, underneath all the pretty filters, was reality and boy was "she" not having any of it. I spent all my weekends at my cousins house in Inglewood.  Yes, my getaway place from my getaway place was located in the heart of the hood, a block away from the dmv and the meanest thugs that t
here can be but also the home of some of the nicest, heartwarming homes. I've been into, although I couldn't find the really good pictures (there on myspace) here are a few that
 resonated with me.

 (Thanks-giving spent most of it "fixing myself up".... lol no one showed up.)
                                       (Bang-a-rang... ahaha this is actually recent,I totally screwed up my hair with a pair of kid scissors, thanks fisher price.)

                                  (Latest obsession: Candles! I told ya'll, I don't play, I really do romanticize      everything and noope not some dainty hopelessly in lurve song was the cause of this it was actually, The Dirty Heads:)
                                         (Venice, califori.N.I.A)
                                         (Oh twas, I a pensive thinker)
 (My so-called "photography" kid learns how to focus on things and automatically becomes a pro.)
      My cousin, here I was creating themes "for shoots" this one is pretty self explanatory. E-L-V-I-S
                                           Sunset in July
                                         Masquerade quince.That's me on the left side passing my cousin by. You can tell by my oh-so rebellious Enid Coleslaw inspired loch-ness monster colored hues. SO punk! smh

                                      Another poorly last-minute costume.
                                          OC fair
                                     Back before Amy wasn't my maain, Aracely was. A pinup shoot right next to a nicely decorated trash can... ahhh those were the days.