Thursday, February 28, 2013

Goodbye, So long and farewell

Another month and another one bites the dust......

      Damn! February it was so hard not to ignore you when stores were already selling your stupid heart-shaped everything. Literally every store was selling terrible shit with hearts on it. Anyways I didn't really do anything, didn't lose weight, not one unsightly inch off my waist came off, not an ounce of wit was gained. I sunk my head on so many mattresses than books. I just slept this month away except, for the ska festival. That was pretty fun although, my ego did get the best of me like always, anyways. GOOD RIDDANCE. March seems pretty tight.. I have orientation yes, you saw right orien-FREAKIN-tation. A month later, but better late than never, I suppose. There's no point in upsetting myself than,anymore that I have. I wish mental breakdowns and cry downs would disappear into thin air and never re-appear into my life again. I've wasted my life away. Its okay, I have a lot of false hope that can be passed off as confidence. I hope. Errghhh I really wish I did do something memorable I like the ring of February 28th it sounds aesthetically pleasing but I didn't. So March I hope ,I can muster, scrape, and release any strength that I retain into the next following months. I have to graduate, become something, be someone even if I have no friends, no hope and no future as of, now.


The Dirty Heads – Driftin'

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