Wednesday, April 17, 2013

On to other academic pursuits...................................... lol jk no time for a bunch of photos of my latest obsession

                              Hey, as I described in one of my previous posts. I've recently fallen in luv with Oliver Sims. I always use hyperbole's to describe my latest obsession but this one has proven its the worst. Like many narrow minded people I often say no, before saying, yes. I am super close-minded and by far the worst kind of em. When someone introduces like oh idk a new band or new show. My initial reaction is to act like I'm interested although, how can someone ME act interested if ME is very transparent with emotions. Although, my emotional range isn't quite deep most of my facial expression make me look like a Bitch, depressed, or unhappy? So with that being said, my cousin wasn't buying it when she was trying to tell me how ridiculously talented, this trio was. I mean they are really, goooood and I'm really, stupid. How dense was I? My nods, eye rolls and look of boredom just pissed her off. Not till months later, till I was following (stalking, term used loosely, very loose) my old crush on Tumblr and behold was the coveted XX transparent logo on his blog. I was crushing over that dude, so hard!! I was so enraged with all the little thoughts that were planted in my brain by mindless gossip and lurking that my logic was also unclear and made no sense. I had the same mentality that other girls before me and other girls behind me have or will get. The one where omg he likes this okay well I officially loooove this sooo much, if he loves it and I do, he'll love me what a perfect match!! OKAY, STOP! Right there. I went all Cindy Sanders over this non-quarterback type. After all I wasn't much of a cheerleader either, but a music snob who had a knack for the funny, outgoing,cute, artsy dudes. Ughhh just saying that makes me utter in disgust! stop
As I kept digging through his archives in search of something I can bring to as a topic for discussion i just kept hitting X ends. So, reluctantly I heard " Night Time". I wasn't excited but after hearing the deep bass lines, the strong emotional chemistry between the singers, this dreamy almost, nostalgic sound. I was so hooked I couldn't get enough. They have these soft yet powerful voices. I often found myself creating an imaginary world where it was just me and such said crush. Just us and the xx. A perfect combination!! I constantly argued back at my cousin just to not be a hypocrite because I was secretly hearing them 24/7. So by avoiding it I ended up, being it.. Anyways not till homeboy had a girlfriend and I soon realized Stars wasn't our song and that we could never co-exist and make-out to these songs.  I started liking them, repping them loving them out more in the open. Last week they played Coachella the ultra mega indie music arts fest in Indio, CA. I caught there performance on youtube and found myself screaming into my pillow at midnight ready to burst out in tears. I can't tell you enough on how good they were because it was all just too perfect. First off Romy voice is so soft and genuine. You can totally believe she's yearning for more and Oliver's voice unfffff. These brits really, couldn't be anymore perfect for one another. At one point they had their instruments facing each other, In my head i was like KISS, KISS, KISS, but they didn't damn, teases! Turns out upon my dismay they both respectively are gay. WHAT? yesss These seducing, calming, dreamy, atmospheric sounds are NOT by a love struck couple!!!!!! And this kinda hot, kinda not bass player is GAY? noooo.-.
of course i wanted to shut up but like a crake head going on a late night binges i was searching the interwebs for every little thing that I could find out about them or listem too, they mystique only drew me in further! Basically, in the simplest terms I can put his voice is like sex and no not the moaning and cursing, the soft, delicate, hotness of it.

                                             bae, you so serious
                                          he also, loves Queen B.
                                         Him and his writing partner Romy don't write lyrics to each other or tell one another who these songs are about! Adds for more, mystery, not that the all black attire hasn't   accomplished that.
                                 unnfff, these vacant stares are pretty.. hot
 His uncanny smirks and gifted songwriting just makes me love him 100x more
                          why do i think you're hot, you kinda look like Eminem. Slim Shady, WHO?

I may not completely understand or even have explained my love for you but I tried and now I can treat myself to watching The XX's coachella performance , again :))). They are playing tonight, in Pomona. If only my I knew sooner, I could've at least gave it a go. Now I wanna sulk and cry because I can't see them. Who knows, when they'll come back? to LA


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