Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Misadventures in losing weight

>I started running hahahaha nooo if running were a loose term for panting, and almost tripping on everything. Then, yes I totally ran, I ran so much!!!!! Ugh
It's my second day, of just strolling around the neighborhood like, some tourist. I saw this one chick running she was actually pumped and up. She had the whole neon ensemble,blasting music and zoomed off at every corner. I looked like a sad sack of black fabric. I am so out of touch with humanity. This one older woman yelled "  GOOD MORNING"! To me well being me,I thought she was speaking in a foreign toungue. So I ignored it, I'm such a doucheface. It's only common courtesy and here some dumbass sixteen yr old ignoring it. What a bitch!


Btw I got my cousins invite to her party. After, someone " forgot" to give it to us. Accident, no doubt if that. Ahh family drama

The dirty Heads!

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