Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dear Diary, the sun is gonna melt my skin into a different race

My Goals for the summer.....

-Get the etsy store up& running.

-Learn some basics in graphic design and photoshop. To make such said online store look attractive.

- Focus on school and keep up with the demand of 6 or 7 units a week

- get involved in the theater community

- be more active physically, by that no more baking under the hot air, with premium cable and crying my heart out.

- get socially buzzing, go to shows, go to some alone, make friends, learn to be fun ( tired of being a basic bitch )

- do jobs, get cash money $$$ lol, no. But doing little things here and there. While saving up should help me.

- Get rid of my bad habits, such as caving in, buying things before researching cheaper prices. Yes, I so jumped the gun. When I bought a 20 dollar eyeliner that is used for precision and advanced people. Not for weird, smudged crooked lines on so not advanced people.

- Get craftier, start using more DIYS. Like finally sewing my patches on, pinning things, etc.

- no more tumblr binges, tumblr is awesome. But what's not awesome is my unhealthy obsession with possessions I can't obtain.

- Pushing myself in the right direction, not the wrong

- Hanging out with people.

- Fixing my hair, this should be at the top of my list. I haven't cut these long locks, in two years. It's time!!

And that's what I could think of at 2 am on a Wednesday night. Time to sleep!!!

- Sincerely, Jess The Mess

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Attack of the restless thoughts..

I want to go to sleep, I'm well aware of my priorities. But.. something keeps lurking at me amd stops me. Its an emotion that varies with every step I take. I just wanna feel at ease and rest. But how can i? Almost everyday I'm confronted with these fears that keep pressing on me. Like my age? How old I'm getting, my future?? My tomorrows?? My today? What can be said for them. 17 is the ever lasting year that has to be fun but it really doesn't feel fun. I'm still with the same problems, no love life, no friends, not an exciting hair color, no nothing.-. I'm still with dead end crushes and looser ends. WELP.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fluorescent Adolescent

Yesterday, I turned 17. Instead, of being a normal person! I cried, sixteen had this sweet naiveness to it. That i appreciated. Like I lived in a daze for half the year and, the other asleep. It was my fault but I was so caught up in others, lives that I forgot to take care of my own. I remember being in school, physically, I was present but mentally I was always wandering, elsewhere. I would just stare and observe what everyone else was doing. In my head I was like I have friends and a social life. Clearly, my definition of friendship was distorted ease dropping on random ass kids in my class by all means is not having one. I vicariously lived off these peoples lives without them even knowing. I didn't know them, they didn't know me. I was so serran wrapped into my thoughts that the doors in me were sealed, tightly. I never got out. That's partially my fault, but I never got out as a kid. Which should motivate me to do so, to take risks and just jump without looking down. Not once, do I remember being happy and I honestly don't want to wait around for " happiness" its not some force of nature that will easily come and strike me down. Its a state of mind..

    After some pretty telenovela worthy meltdowns, I was glad to get over it. Birthdays are not my favorite holiday. There is so much pressure to feel "special" and so much self entitlement into a day, that isn't really, all yours for the taking. Like I know why its a big deal, but I just feel like its not for me. People go out of their way to accomadate you and make you feel special. I never get that, I do it for everyone else, and could never get the decency in return. I went insane, normally people hate getting notifications. I love, and my ego feeds off it. It was like a game to see who cared and who didn't. Clearly, some of my strategies didn't work. The fact that Mehki, of all people was polite and said Happy Birthday, Cousin. Was both shocking and nice. The fact that Amy, my "best friend" didn't even say a thing. Annoyed the living hell out of me now I didn't even care, about the mini ego boosts. What did it matter if my closest friend didn't say anything. I felt dramatic but really, it was my birthday. You can't forget my birthday. I was so low enough, to go on tumblr amd constantly put happy birthday,me. I even pulled an ilysm pls love me back to Duddy when i should've gone to Nick 13.I was verbally, whoring myself out to the internet!

  When the pleasure didn't write thoughtful words on my page, I went insane. I lost it, but it made sense. I mean shit when I was there on my birthdays they just sat there and gave me awkward hugs. Have you ever been awkwardly hugged?? Its terrible, especially when you give long ones? Ugh. Shantale and I spoke over messages, I practically forced Veronica to write me an essay, Vanessa and Isaura said hbd. Roberto said it via twitter that cunt! -__- but Shantale pointed it out that not everyone is constantly on social media. So I shouldn't take it as far as I can. But, then again. Everyone is on it and the ones who didn't say anything seemed to be highlighted specks in the way of my day.

  My mother and father, didn't even call me. My mom did oh boy, she does disappoint. First, off she calls from an 818 number like if I don't know the area code in the valley! Already, so much shade to begin with, shes whispering saying she's at work(lie #1) bitch, please you're at home watching gordo y la flaca. Calling from one of your boyfriends pre-paid disposable phones. She goes on to talk about herself, and make excuses. Like god!!! Stop lying just get on with it ivr had more meaningful conversations with myself, than her. She just lied and I just hung up on her. What else was I to do, I eventually put my sad ass music playlist on Spotify. Yes, I name my playlists after my many, moods. Once New Order played, I cried so much my face burned. It was like no other cry I've experienced. I was hysterical on the floor screaming into pillows. And It continued, just more toned down. I would go into the bathroom and cry. I got these terrible migraines from doing,so. It felt like tiny people were banging my head with little hammers of guilt, adding to more devastating blows.
Like as I'm writing this "on the otherside" is playing and all I eant to do is cry, and not cry I mean screaming bloody murder cries. I just think mentally, I'm done with everything. Its overheated my thoughts and I'm at  capacity for bullshit

I didn't get the day I wanted, for that I would  neeed a great, perfect group of friends, lots of cash, and a gorgeous boyfriend. All of things, take time or money and I have none. It was okay! In which I had a nice dinner and I'm lucky to have an aunt who wasn't playing reindeer games with my emotions. She genuinely wanted to see me be" okay". It was better than most, and I didn't kill myself. So that's an accomplishment on its own. I got a new(replactment) phone and I'm alright. Not good, not great but I survived 5/8/13. I was so scared but the pressure is over, which is great. The only thing that sucks is that the older I get the more I have to pay for my own shit. Anyways, I'm okay.

I made my sister buy me balloons because no one ever has, sad. Yes, but whatever. They had pink flamingos!(:
And I wore a classic 80s tee! Bringing my inner john hughes character out.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

last bits of today/ social meltdowns

    I'm not popular on the social netwrok universe, I don't have over a thousand " friends" or followers, Shit, even if you combined all my followers from every network i'd fall short into the 900's. I dont know why its sucha big deal or why its important. It feels like i never left high school and popularity has taken new heights. I don't know why i've been constantly refreshing my facebook feed knowing no one messages me. Im just lonely and really, bad at doing so, im so scared of 17. I JUST DONT WANT MY BIRTHDAY. ITS GONNA SUCK AND IM GONNA CRY AND I HATE IT JUST GO AWAY. Can i fast-forward to Friday. Tosave myself from the pain and agony. NOTHINGS CHANGED AND I WANNA CRY

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sixteen Candles down the drain

        I took a sudden sharp turn into the parts of my head that I've been reluctantly avoiding. I've blocked these roads off main intersections to avoid the feelings that come upon self- reflection. People wonder why i have a deep, burning hate for the second week of may. There's many, many reasons why i shut these parts off and cut if all access to them. I know better, that's what i tell myself but in all honesty if i did i wouldn't have to look into the blocked off nothingness that they are for some pity or help or even guidance. If I'm sad as it is, why would i make it more difficult by seeking the past. The past is the past for a reason, its all behind me. It's okay to want to go back to where you cam from and measure your successes and mistrials but to keep yourself locked into the inner- divisions of melancholy is just stupid. My birthdays are just landmarks of years behind me that I've suffered, they are days that i'd like to close off forever if i could, that way i could never feel like that again. Any attempt at best always resurfaces and fizzles in my face, so no matter how hard i push them away they spring back and make me miserable. I hate birthdays, i hate them!!!!! The 8 of May can suck my non-existent dick. For every year, that's passed i always end it crying and praying for better days. here's a quick mental round up to keep you up to speed; 16, i spent crying watching sixteen candles, 15, i spent asleep all day, 14 i went to Hottopic with my mom to buy an expensive shirt that was worth less than i payed, 13 my moms boyfriend got a jumper, taco stand, and rented tables & chairs btw no one showed up but a few neighbors, it was mortifying and belittling, 12, was possibly the worst!!!!!! My moms live-in boyfriend took my sister, my moms friends daughter, and I bowling, to Claire's, and to go eat. He felt bad that my mom couldnt join us because she was to work that day but little did we know she was  at a bar. Yeah, talk about surprises. Alright, he left us enraged and i stayed behind, at home. Angered by mothers hasty decisions i thought i could go to my older sister and have someone understand me instead, she hit me my mom came home smelling like bud light and red eyes. invited all the neighborhood kids, i hid in my closet and cried all night. She forced me to blow the candles and i walked back into the darkness to comfort me. SO YEAH THATS WHY, im trying to be as vague as possible bc i don't want any of this shit to resurface and ruin me when im older. This is my little corner of the internet that is just about my little world,t he one that not many are allowed into. In fact no one reads this but Victor and,  Amy read it once, but what the fuck does she care, she's off elsewhere. I'll be lucky, if she even says something to me. Its funny how birthdays are supposed to be about us but I've never felt that this day belonged to me. I felt like it belonged to any other girl or guy who also shared this day with me. But never was the 8th about me i felt it the most when i turned sixteen and no one bought me those huge silver bubbled numbered balloons thats said 16. I saw a couple of other kids with it and felt it. It was the first day i went to school for my birthday, too. Some girl i knew wore a sixteen candles shirt on my sixteenth birthday knowing how much i wanted it and how much i loved that movie. It was a stale and awkward day. I mean just trying to get that same group of people who didn't care last year, to go to the park to celebrate mine and Roberto's birthday. Is just impossible. i feel stupid for trying to force these people who have other things on their mine to come together. Is just not right.. but they are the only "friends" I've ever had. So Jesus sorry if i want to hang out with all you people, my mistake in thinking you guys actually cared.........

Thursday, May 2, 2013

vent, runoff, diarie entry

 Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
See, the sea wants to take me
The knife wants to slit me
Do you think you can help me ? - Morrissey..

    I don't even know why I bother trying? I mean all I wanted was something so simple that I had never done. It would've been nice, or well i thought. Why are my friends such dicks? No one can go to golf n stuff I'm not asking the world, i just wanted to keep busy for my birthday, so i could avoid that empty feeling that i get year round , i always feel empty in a way that majority of people my age probably wouldn't understand because they all don't know this type of loneliness the type that makes you wanna erase your exist it, by jumping the gun or in my case getting that gun and pointing it my way. I'm so sick of spending my birthdays, alone in the dark crying and trying to make sense of a situation that I didn't wanna be in. I can tell you for days how bad I've spent my birthdays and i know birthdays are just another mark of your age and a day people can focus on you. I know its totally lame and stupid. but fuck i never get that rarity of attention so,  fucking yes i want to feel special the day i was born or the day i could've died. I mean, i should've been dead but I didn't theres obviously some reason I'm still here. Through all the bullshit and whirlwinds ive been through i'd like to think it's for a reason. I don't know what for but there must be some god damn explanation. I feel like shit because no matter how hard i wanna overcome that stupid crummy feeling i cant. At age 17, i still dont have a boyfriend OH and middle school ones dont count! I wont have any great stories to tell around campfires, i wont have annything.. And that scares me the most. I really, do sometimes question my existence. It just becomes a lot  and i cant even deal with it. I can wear the prettiest dresses, own the best possessions but at the end of the day i know im not happy and im scared of getting older and becoming a lamer person..

Songs to listen to when I'm alone

 Ever feel down, and blue? Is there a  certain "sad" song playing in the background, almost re-creating a scene from a movie that only exists in your head. No, I thought not.. Well I do! I'm known for romanticizing regular moments in life and trying to create a dramatic atmosphere with somber music or upbeat. You know that saying " Art imitates life.. and Life imitates art" well that's the way I see these musical outbreaks in front of mirrors, near vacant hallways, or under the solace of moonlight. 

*Song that makes me cry, and also rewind it's, really short & sad but gets your eyes dripping with water"
" I saw something you could lust for, in a tired way..." - Joyce Manor~ Drainage

 Comforting Song that makes it alright and better

 "Do You realize that life goes fast, It's hard to make the good things last..."

The Flaming Lips- Do You Realize?

Okay, now this one is a sad sad, depressing song.


Song that makes me sad, bc I hate everyone and realize how alone, I really am
I hate them all, I hate them all, I hate myself, for hating them... The Strokes - On the Otherside

 For when my lows have hit they're highest peak yet, and all I wanna do is simultaneously scream and cry.
   Yeah, they really want you, they really want you, they really do.Yeah, they really want you, they really want you, but I do too ..I want to be the girl with the most cake.I love him so much it just turns to hate... Hole- Doll Parts

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm on the edge of something strange, magical, and somewhat relevant..

 I'm at the strange, age of sixteen and half the time I say things I don't really, mean. I wish I was better at being younger and I wish stars would shine a little brighter, like my eyes do once, I get a crummy thought that reminds me of your existence... ugh 

         I turn seventeen in less than a week and I'm totally freaked. I have this weird, re-occurring nightmare that only two people tell me happy birthday via Facebook. That's not the worse thing that can or well could happen to me, I mean I could've dreamt of being chased down by a bloody slasher ready to gut me and murder me but instead I thought of A two-letter word that was absent from the abyss that is my homepage. I kinda feel like that's just my inner fears running through my brain while I sleep. Like subconsciously this is one of my biggest fears, of not being liked and having everyone at large realize, how much of a loser, I am. I'm not cool, I don't do drugs, get into crazy adventures, I don't have the prettiest face, I don't date, can't name a cool thing I've done like eveeeeeeeeeeeeer. Most of the time I'm contemplating on scenarios that just exist in my head but never spill and unfold into my realities. To be quite frank, I don't even have fun at concerts, Wow....I'm gonna instantly regret saying that but it's true, well to this very, moment at least. I don't know if my concert appeal has lost it's lack-luster or maybe its just ME not living in the moment. I always mean to do things but never do, so. I always wanna make new friends so, I can finally have some but c'mon when have I ever been social or likeable? If I cant get people to like my stupid self, how do i expect to make friends.. Anyways on to other external problems, my family life is still fucking, stupid. I have reason to believe  my mother  leads a double life and I have been looking into private investigation. It'll cost me an arm and leg, though. So maybe I can let this spark of curiosity burn out on its own or further it by reaching into childhood friends. I'm no Nancy Drew so who knows if I will even find anything. I'm still really disappointed looking back that a year has gone by and I'm still up to my neck with procrastination and dead end crushes, also a lot of split ends (hair wise). I'm ready for these much needed changes; an attitude adjustment, a nice hair cut, friends!!!!, a=uhmmm a boyfriend, Like how am i gonna spend my last year of beeing a teen and not having that! Im readdy CCCCCHHHAAAANNNGES, TURN AND FACE THE STRANGE, CHHHHANGES, TIME MAY CHANGE ME BUT I CAN'T CHANGE TIME - poorly qouted song off David Bowie's Changes...

This has nothing, like nothing to do, with becoming of age, I'm just really obsessed with it..
This is kinda appropriate, kinda.

Till Seventeen!!❤☀❤