Saturday, December 1, 2012

Records! Come and save me

Tonight, In despite of the usual nothingness of this house. My aunt is having an adult toy party in other words a dildo party YAY!-_____-. To anyone who's not in my position they don't know how awkward and horrific it is to see you're living room transformed into a den of devices and swing sets and ugh of course dick shaped everything. Although, its beyond me that my aunt can't be like other members of the family and throw Mary Kay, Avon, jewelery, Tupperware, hell even pots parties. ANYTHING really! Last year she did this I blasted Ella Fitzgerald to blur out the blunt answers and laughing. If it weren't that my aunts, grandma, and other relatives are a mere fifteen feet away distance from the end of the hall. I would be cracking up at the thought of grown ass women talking bout sexual experiences and shit. EWE
My sister got lucky and zoomed out the door right after, she found out I however am confined to the very thin walls of this house. Did, I mention she's twelve and is at her best friends house.
I have no friends well here in the valley other, than my cousins but y'kno them they're off doing their life. While I'm here stocking up the room with everything I'll need so, I don't have to come outside and see everyone and get asked stupid questions about me being a teenager home on a sat. night while their daughters,sisters,& nieces etc... are out and are  my age. I'm gonna try to avoid it all as much as possible.

Wish me luck..
I'll leave you with  King Missile. Lol very appropriate for the evening that lies ahead

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